Fundraising Science with Guaranteed Results.

Magic Bullet

Fundraising Accelerator

Our fundraising strategy combines AI with an investor database

that represents over 3 billion in available capital.

"Limited Spots Available"


"MAGIC BULLET" AI Fundraising is the vision of two-time Inc 500 CEO Jon Flatt.

We are the only company that combines AI with traditional fundraising tactics

that gives guaranteed results in writing.

Our Team Becomes a part of Your Team.

We work in a collaborative environment:

  • We'll do the heavy lifting to support your fundraising efforts, giving you the bandwidth to run your business.

  • Our team will leverage the most advanced AI to facilitate your goals.

  • We're not here to replace your team; we are here to become a part of it.

  • We are very responsive and are effective communicators.

  • You will have all of our teams' calendars at your disposal to book as frequently as needed. This includes Jon Flatt.

  • We don't bring our egos in the room. We're accountable for getting things done alongside your team.

The AI results are based on the following variables:

  • Industry.

  • Investor recent activity for your industry.

  • Your revenue model and investor activity for that revenue model.

  • Intellectual property and patents.

  • Investment activity based on your current revenue.

  • Leadership and previous venture experience.

Our AI will let you know the probability of:

  • Getting funded.

  • How much we can raise in total.

  • How many presentations will it take to complete your round.

  • How long it will take to reach your current raise.

Most Play Checkers,

We Play Chess.

  • Our AI will cross reference our database of 50,000+ investors/groups, searching for matches based on your answers to questions about your raise and based on investors’ level of activity over the last 6 months.

  • This system has been tested for over 18 months and has shown to be 91% accurate.

  • This and our automated system for booking meetings is how we are able to guarantee funding.

  • Upon completion of the AI Crawl, a list of optimal investors will be generated with complete investor contact information.

  • This list will be provided to you, and we will book presentation meetings on your behalf.

Automated Meeting Funnel

Group Presentation:

  • We will develop messaging and reach out directly through email, phone and LinkedIn for the purpose of booking presentations.

  • We will set up all contacts and meetings in your instance of the Magic bullet CRM or the CRM of your choosing.

  • We will also set up meeting automation so you will not have to send meeting invites or set up Zoom links

Pre-Launch Services

where needed

Consulting pertaining to:

  • Valuation and Offer

  • Forecast

  • Financials

  • Critique Presentation: You will present to us one of our investor's contacts on Zoom & we will provide feedback

  • Assistance with due-diligence phase

What To Expect

Month 1:

  • Pre-launch services evaluation of materials

  • Use AI to generate optimized investor list

  • Develop messaging and value prop to get meetings

  • Set up automation for meeting volume

Month 2:

  • Our team will pre-vet investors for 30 days and will begin setting up meetings on your behalf

  • Strategy Discussion

Month 3:

  • 15 to 20 meetings

  • Strategy Discussion

Month 4:

  • 20 to 30 meetings

  • LOI and due dilligence

Month 5-12:

  • 20 to 30 meeting per month

  • LOI and due diligence until fully funded

Scaling to the next level.

Work directly with Jon Flatt:

  • Built two 100 million dollar companies

  • 20 years of fundraising Digital Marketing, AI, and Startup Experience

  • 2 time INC 500 winner

  • 2-time Lumiere award winner (for Tech in Advertising)

  • Worked with Disney, Microsoft, Apple, and thousands of small & medium-sized companies.

  • Delivered over 5 billion in ad campaigns.

  • Proven process that leverages AI and data.

Full proof circular data-driven AI marketing solutions for Fundraising with Guaranteed Results.

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